
domingo, 28 de novembro de 2021


What advice would you give to someone who is still at that stage in life of planning and "reaching dreams"?

I would say, DON'T LIVE WITH "WHAT IF?"

WHAT IF I had done it? WHAT IF I hadn't done it? 
You can't live on assumptions.

Think hard, ponder, but don't forget to follow your heart too, focus on your intention, or whatever you want to call that "will" you have, to do or not do something. But be assertive! Have self confidence and firmness in your decisions, but NEVER live with the "WHAT IF" !!! If you let that happen, it will consume you until the last day of your life.

Then you ask me, "But what do I do if I make the wrong decision?", so I say to you, "Yes, your choices, your consequences. Making decisions has a margin of errors and successes, but anyway, you will profit from the result anyway, because if you make a bad decision, you will gain life experience and knowledge so as not to make the same mistake again. Life is made of risks and living with indecision takes you nowhere.